Statement of Intent: To teach and encourage
good sportsmanship, team work, and enjoyment of the game. To provide an
instructional basketball league for 4th through 8th
grade boys and girls who live in the school districts of the member
Sportsmanship is defined as:
playing fair
following the rules of the game
respecting the judgment of referees and
treating opponents with respect
Coaches Code of Ethics:
The coach shall be aware that he or she has tremendous influence, on the
education of his or her players and, thus, shall never place the value
of winning above the value of instilling the highest ideas of character
and moral.
The coach shall uphold the honor and dignity of the profession. In
all personal contact with players, officials, community coordinators,
parents, and spectators the coach shall strive to set an example of the
highest ethical and moral conduct.
The coach shall master the contest rules and shall teach them to his or
her players.
The coaches shall exert his or her influence to enhance sportsmanship
for parents, spectators and team members.
Public criticism of officials or players is unethical and will not be
The coach shall respect and support contest officials. The coach
shall not indulge in conduct which would incite players or spectators
against the officials.
The coach shall meet and exchange cordial greetings with the opposing
coach to set the correct tone for the event before and after the
Parents Code of Ethics: Good sportsmanship
begins at home! Parents can be the most influential and positive
support group for young athletes as they grow and develop. Here are some
examples of things you can do as parents for your children/players:
Learn as much as you can about your sport. Play by its rules. Show
up for practice, work hard, and realize that on a team, everyone
deserves a chance to play.
Talk politely and act courteously toward everyone before, during,
and after games and events. That includes your children’s teammates,
opponents, coaches, spectators, and the officials presiding over the
Stay cool. Even if others are losing their tempers, it doesn't
mean you have to. Remind yourself that it is after all, just a game.
Violence will never be tolerated and for any incident that occurs there
will be consequences for all involved.
Cheer your children’s teammates on with positive statements.
Acknowledge and applaud good plays, even when someone on the other
team makes them.
When officials make a call, accept it gracefully even if it goes
against you. Remember that officials may not be right every time — but
they're people who are doing their best, just as you are.
Officials Code of Ethics
Officials shall master both the rules of the game and mechanics
necessary to enforce the rules, and shall exercise authority in an
impartial, firm and controlled manner.
Officials shall uphold the honor and dignity of the profession in
all interaction with players, coaches, community coordinators, and
Officials shall prepare themselves both physically and mentally,
shall dress neatly and appropriately, and shall comport themselves in a
manner consistent with the high standards of the profession.
Officials shall remain mindful that their conduct influences the
respect that player-athletes, coaches, and the public hold for the