Red Cedar Basketball League
Red Cedar Basketball League
Red Cedar Basketball League

Sportsmanship Code of Conduct
2024 - 2025 SEASON
2024 - 2025 SEASON
Printable Version
POSTED 9/24/17

Statement of Intent: To teach and encourage good sportsmanship, team work, and enjoyment of the game. To provide an instructional basketball league for 4th through 8th grade boys and girls who live in the school districts of the member communities.


Sportsmanship is defined as:

Good sportsmanship is the "golden rule" of sports — in other words, treating the people you play with and against as you'd like to be treated yourself. You demonstrate good sportsmanship when you show respect for yourself, your teammates, your community, your opponents, for the coaches on both sides, and for the officials.

Coaches Code of Ethics:


Parents Code of Ethics: Good sportsmanship begins at home!  Parents can be the most influential and positive support group for young athletes as they grow and develop. Here are some examples of things you can do as parents for your children/players:


Officials Code of Ethics

Bath  Bellevue  Birch Run  Charlotte  Chesaning  Corunna  Dansville  DeWitt  Durand  East Lansing  Eaton Rapids  Fowler  Fowlerville  Grand Ledge  Harper Creek  Haslett  Hastings
Holt  Ionia  Jackson Western  Laingsburg  Lakeview  Lakewood  Lansing Catholic  Lansing Christian  Leslie  Maple Valley  Marshall  Mason  Montrose  Morrice  New Lothrop
Okemos  Olivet  Ovid-Elsie  Owosso  Perry  Pewamo-Westphalia  Portland  Potterville  Saranac  Springport  St. Johns  Stockbridge  Swartz Creek  Webberville  Williamston